Not long ago I received a Christmas list from my grandchildren. In it they detail their wants and hopes for how I might bring them joy during the unwrapping of presents around the tree. Actually, the list helps me. At my age I am a bit out of touch with some of the more popular toys and games of the day.

Understandably, many in our church also do not have any idea of the things our congregation might need. That is why wise congregations share a Christmas list during the month of December. Often, they put the list in the bulletin, on the screen, or in the newsletter. It could look like this:    

It is possible no one will give you anything. It is guaranteed no one will give you anything if you don’t ask.

People give during Christmas, as well they should. The Spirit of Christ fills them with joy and generosity. Who knows? They may just be looking to share some of that extra generosity with the church they love. Why don’t you give it a try this Christmas and let me know how it works?

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Glenn Howell
Director of Development
United Methodist Foundation of Indiana